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STEM (PT Sinergi Teknologi Ekologi Manusia)

Aug 1, 2024

PT Sinergi Teknologi Ekologi Manusia (STEM Energy) provides energy solutions across a wide range of sectors in energy efficiency and energy management technologies, and delivers solutions with the latest technology to achieve sustainable energy savings, achieving energy savings that reduce the financial burden incurred Our technologies are recognized and used by Blue Chip companies around the world and create sustainable benefits from energy savings in a wide variety of sectors.


 PT Sinergi Teknologi Ekologi Manusia (STEM Energy) provides energy solutions across a wide range of sectors in energy efficiency and energy management technologies, and delivers solutions with the latest technology to achieve sustainable energy savings, achieving energy savings that reduce the financial burden incurred Our technologies are recognized and used by Blue Chip companies around the world and create sustainable benefits from energy savings in a wide variety of sectors.


PT Sinergi Teknologi Ekologi Manusia (STEM Energy) is a subsidiary of PT Sketsa Aliansi Kharisma Abadi (which began actively contributing to implementing technology and awareness of the importance of energy efficiency and management since 2020 The ultimate goals of what we do include:

  • Efficient use of energy thereby increasing company profits

  • Supporting the energy transition both by reducing CO 2 emissions and building a Green Company Brand Image

  • Participate in helping to fulfill government regulations related to energy efficiency and energy management


1. Energy Audit

An energy audit conducted by STEM Energy is an in depth process that involves a thorough analysis of energy consumption within an organization or system Our team of experts uses sophisticated methodologies and the latest technology, to identify energy saving opportunities, measure the efficiency of energy use, and provide concrete recommendations to improve energy efficiency and reduce operational costs With a deep understanding of energy consumption, STEM Energy helps organizations take the right steps towards wiser and more sustainable energy use.

2. Energy Management

STEM Energy carries out meticulous and efficiency focused energy management, ensuring that organizations or facilities can manage and optimize their energy usage. We design and implement energy management systems that suit the client's needs, using advanced technology for real time energy monitoring With a holistic approach, STEM Energy helps organizations achieve significant energy savings, create sustainable environments, and reduce their environmental impact

3. Energy Savings

STEM Energy has implemented technologies that are proven to deliver up to 40 efficiency Our approach is based on a rigorous baseline determination method in accordance with the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (standard, ensuring that the results are accurate and reliable. We work closely with a wide range of energy efficiency technology vendors, both domestic and international, enabling us to deliver the most innovative and effective solutions to our clients With the combination of the latest technologies, robust methodologies, and ou strategic partnerships, we help our clients achieve excellence in energy efficiency and significantly reduce their operating costs

4. Green Building

STEM Energy provides comprehensive Green Building certification consulting services, in accordance with various ratings such as Greenship Edge, LEED, BGH, and many others We have a team of experts experienced in guiding our clients through the certification process, helping them achieve the highest sustainable standards and create an eco friendly building environment With in depth knowledge of various certification programs, we are committed to helping our clients achieve sustainability in their buildings according to their goals and vision

5. Smart Bulding

We also provide home management automation Your house lights turn on and off at the time of your choosing Automatic locking of your home when you are not at home Automatic feeding of your pets Notify you if a stranger is in the house when you are traveling

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Become a Part of the Energy Efficiency Movement in Indonesia

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